Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear John

This is a tough post to write. I love that line in the movie "Contact" when Jodie Foster is in "space" and has to try and describe to others what she is seeing. She simply says, "You should have sent a poet." That completely describes how I feel.

I love John. He's just one of those people that I never knew existed until I found him. He is kind, caring, and so very thoughtful. He is so other-centered and selfless. He spends much of his time doing things for others. The best part is, he does most of that for me. He has made me his priority...and yet, accomplished so much for so many other people in the process.

He just turned 47. I can't believe how much he has become in so few years. He reminds me of what Ezra Taft Benson said: "Men and women who turn their lives over to God will find out that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can." John is one who truly has turned his life over to God. He just wants to fulfill the mission that he said he would finish. He is constantly engaged in that work.

He has a GREAT sense of humor. We laugh ourselves silly at our house. People often ask me what John is "really" like, and it's so fun to tell them that what they see is what they get. He is what he seems and more: Funny, happy, spiritual, and lively.

John is a great dad. EVERY one of my children could be described as a "Daddy's girl" or "Daddy's boy." They ADORE him. It's very obvious who the favorite parent is at our house, and I simply LOVE that, because they couldn't love a better man. He is always laughing with them, playing with them, teaching them in ways that only he can.

He is a hard worker. I used to not understand how on vacation he constantly had his computer with him so he could write, or how he was always reading and studying something. But now I know that it's just IN him. He is a worker. He is happiest when he is accomplishing something, and he accomplishes great things. He recently taught himself to play the banjo! He's always trying new things!

He is generous. I don't mean to embarrass him, but he is ALWAYS doing things for others. Whether he pays for others' car repairs, lends them his truck, or slips them some needed money, he is always doing for others. He spends at least a couple of nights a week helping others, either in his church calling, or his own chosen goal to better others' lives. It's amazing to watch.

I can't believe I get him. He is the best friend I've ever had. He doesn't judge me for my inadequacies, but focuses on my better traits. What more could I ask for? He's simply perfect for me. I love you, honey!!!

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

You may need to verify the authenticity of this with your hubby, but I distinclty remember Dave Christensen telling this story. He was sitting down with John (before he met you)discussing marriage and the frustration of not being married at his age and John said he refused to settle for anything less than a perfect 10. Well he got her. John is super cool, and you are for sure a perfect 10!

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