Thursday, November 06, 2008

Honorable Mention

The other night, John was bored, so he sat down to paint something. He loves to watercolor, but hasn't done it for YEARS. A couple of hours later, he showed me his "ruined" picture. Truthfully, he would KILL me if he knew I was putting this on the blog, because he felt he made so many mistakes with this one, smudged it before it was dry, couldn't get certain parts "right", etc., and is currently working on the same picture...again. But I thought his "first draft" was worth mentioning. (I couldn't fit the whole thing on my scanner, but you'll get the idea):

Of course I'll scan the finished product when he's finished...but it's so fun to be married to someone so amazingly talented!!!


Anonymous said...

He is amazingly talented! Awesome, John, you really have an eye for watercolors!

In watercolor, I love how simple lines, smudges, and smears can make a picture seem so real... He did a great job on the tree. So beautiful...

I've tried watercolors before, but gave up after a few tries because I feel like I have to include every detail and I'm just not good at it :)!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how long you've been married and I had no idea about John's watercolor talent. Do his talents ever end? This is beautiful.

Kristi said...

Wow- looks great- kinda reminds me of Fountain Green- although I don't think there is a barn this nice there:) Great Job!

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