Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nothing, really

I just thought I'd post some random pictures that made me smile. There's really no point to this post, just some happiness for me.

Ashley has taken to "stealing" my camera and going around the house trying to take pictures that make her laugh. Here I am feeding Bethany.

Up close and personal:

This is such a typical scene in my house. My kids constantly use my laundry baskets as "vehicles" to pull each other around. I thought that gorgeous ribbon from Costco would go on presents; I never envisioned it's "double" duty as "reins."

John likes to feed Bethany cheerios, however she's still fine-tuning those small-motor skills, and most end up dropping into her high-chair seat. After she's done eating, she stands up and babbles. John picked her up, and I had to laugh at her feet!

(Uh, and notice the "jet" jammies. That's what we call a lapse in the laundry chain...)

Here's a shot of Timothy...another laundry lapse?

One afternoon we were tending the Dustins, a rare treat. Of course we got snow that morning, so the obvious option? Build a snowman!

Bethany and cousin Daniel, just about 6 weeks apart in age:

At night, Abby wanted to put on jammies, so she borrowed some from Natalie. They thought it would be cute to mix the tops and bottoms so they matched:

I love how my children play with each other. They seem not to notice their age differences and involve each other, and accommodate even the younger children so everyone can play. This is my own version of "Charlie's Angels."

The End.


Anonymous said...

I was literally LOL at the pic of Timothy in purple pjs - and I love how your kids are in pjs in most of those pictures....so you ARE normal! :)

Melanie Bingham said...

The charlie's I mean Bytheway Angels is my fave!

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