Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mt. Rushmore

Thanks to Jennifer and Michael, we took a caravan trip to Mt. Rushmore last week with them and with Mom and Dad! It was amazing. I don't think it was on the top of my list of places to visit, but thanks to their planning, we tagged along...and what an adventure! I am so grateful we got to go!

We rented a 31-foot motorhome, and drove the 700+ miles via Martin's Cove in Wyoming to Custer, South Dakota, and saw Crazy Horse monument, Mt. Rushmore, the Jewel caves, and drove through Custer State Park. It was such a wonderful vacation. Thanks again Jenn and Michael for inviting us along! It will definitely be a trip to remember.

As we drove, the highway was so bumpy in spots, Mom held up the Pollyanna board so we could still play games without our pieces moving! Now that's game dedication!

Bethany was pretty content to sit in her carseat for most of the ride! She would often fuss until we put her in, then she'd clap her hands as we buckled her up!

As we drove, we realized that on the range, the antelope really do play...and in abundance. We saw so many!First we stopped over in Martin's Cove. Near this visitor's center, the Pioneers who left late in the season got stranded and weathered severe winter storms without protection or food. Rescue eventually came, but the death toll reached over 10%. It was a very sobering thing to see all of the names of the pioneers in the Willey and Martin companies, with the ones who died highlighted in red. Amazing. It really made me think I have never really had to sacrifice anything.The kids get a chance to pull a small handcart as the pioneers did.John, here in front of Rattlesnake Pass (leading between the mountains behind) through which the pioneers passed, as well as the pony express. Part of the Oregon Trail.
John, in front of Devil's Gate
And on to Custer! We found a great campsite with electrical, sewer, and internet hookups. What more could you want when you're camping? The kids are having breakfast:
When you're staying in a small town, there aren't many franchises around, but we did manage to find a Pizza Hut buffet! The kids were in heaven!

The next place we visited was Crazy Horse monument. It is a mountain sculpture in the works depicting "Crazy Horse" pointing over the lands where his ancestors are buried. It is (if I remember correctly) going to be 5x the size of Mt. Rushmore when completed. The man who began the project has refused funding from the government in an effort to show that the Indian Nation is independent. The project has reportedly turned down offers of $20 million from the government to complete it. Thus, it has been in the works for over 50 years, with what seems like hundreds of years to go to completion. Here is Jennifer in front of the mountain. If you look closely to the left you can see the face of "Crazy Horse."
A small-scale sculpture of what the finished mountain will look like:
Dad teasing Daniel. That kid is ALWAYS smiling!
Matthew was tired, and having a hard time getting comfortable in the stroller, so he just parked it and got cozy on the wooden deck. We tried to hold him, but he just wanted to be left alone to sleep!

Abby and Natalie in front of a motorcycle on display at Crazy Horse. I'm not really sure what it has to do with the whole thing, but I thought the picture was cute nonetheless. After Crazy Horse, we headed to the Jewel Caves. Here we are in front of the elevator that will take us some 39 stories underground! With a temperature of 49 degrees in the caves, we tried to bundle up!
Inside the Jewel Caves:
I think this rock is called "Bacon" rock. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it really did look like a big piece of bacon.I think I learned just how many times a tour guide can say "don't touch" in one tour by walking around with this kid underground. 357.
After the caves, we headed to Mt. Rushmore. It is absolutely breathtaking. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Great men. Washington, who turned down a third term to be president, also declining job as emperor or king of the country, Jefferson who made the Louisana Purchase and penned the Constitution, Roosevelt who was instrumental in getting the Panama Canal, and Lincoln, President during the Emancipation Proclamation, are all depicted, immortalized in stone.Our group on the hiking trail at the base of Mt. Rushmore
At Mt. Rushmore, the Avenue of Flags, representing all 50 states.

Mom and Dad:

Listening to our recorded tour to get the fullest experience and to learn the most about Mt. Rushmore. Highly recommended!

Our kids had little booklets that they completed, answering questions during a very detailed "interrogation" so that they could become Jr. Rangers. We were SO SO proud!!! (You think I'm kidding. The guy drilled them for a good 40 minutes total before he would pass out those plastic badges. They EARNED those puppies!)

The kids hiking on the GRANITE rocks in the BLACK hills, near the PONDEROSA pines at Mt. Rushmore. (They're not the ONLY ones who learned something. Where's MY badge?)

The next day, we headed to Custer State Park for a drive. The wildlife there was amazing! The kids got up close and personal with donkeys:

Dad had the chance to pet this buffalo, but wimped out. Bummer. I was hoping for a great photo op at the time.

For lunch, we ate at scenic Sylvan Lake.

The kids were BEGGING to swim, so although the water was FREEZING (by my standard) they all went in anyway. Andrew and Aaron feeling safe with their floating devices!

There were many "creatures" in the water. Tadpoles, minnows, and crawfish! Abby gives "fishing" a go.

Then Michael drove us up to a place called "Needles", named for the cool rock formations. We had a great time crawling around!We drove into a small town called Keystone to do a little shopping. Cute place with some really interesting shops!

But a child can only stand so much shopping. We thought this pose that Timothy had when he fell asleep was so funny.

Back at camp, Abby and Natalie made themselves a little town out of dirt. Abby used her new souvenir jewelry, as well as rocks gathered from around the camp to create their settlement. They had a petting zoo, Crazy Horse, Rushmore, and even a bowling alley. Sounds like a great place to visit!Then we all went to bed for the long trek home. We made the drive in record time, with only a few small stops for the most essential things:All in all, we were only gone for a few days, but packed in so much! We had a wonderful time! Thanks again to the Dustins and Mom and Dad for making the trip so fun! Love you all!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Wow! What a great trip. Amazing family, wonderful photos, and interesting details. Sounds like a perfect trip for an adventuring young family. Thanks for sharing.

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