Sunday, June 06, 2010

Splashing with cousins and friends

We had a great week visiting with our "Alger cousins." We're not really related legally, but certainly emotionally! We went to the 7 canyons splashground at Liberty Park with the Dustins, Hendricksons, and Algers and had a great afternoon! Love all you guys!


Lauren, Bethany, Ava holding Madison, Timothy, and Daniel
Ava and Timothy
My "sister" Stefanie Alger and her son, Daniel
Look at all those cute kids! Note: the NINE children that aren't mine are ALL Algers. What a woman!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You are too kind, Kim. What a great park. It kept all of my kiddos entertained for hours and let me enjoy chatting with you and your sisters.

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