Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Eve

I once read somewhere that 6 months was an acceptable "grace" period for sending out Thank you cards from your wedding...and thus, here's my Christmas post, well within the confines suitable for "Dear Abby."

Just before we took off for Christmas Eve, I had to get a picture of the kids in front of the tree. I realize that I don't remember to take Christmas pictures, so if nothing else, I would have this one...

Of course we began the evening in Bethlehem: Here are a few random pictures of fellow travelers headed to the city, singing as they went:
Here's cousin Aaron (shepherd)

An angel (Natalie)

a "royal" pair (Ashley and Adam)

TWO Marys (Elizabeth and Madelyn)
Daniel and Michael (not the ancient ones, the Dustin ones)

Matthew--the shepherd version

Andrew and Eva--Yes, this time the Ancient version! ;)

The Loveridge bedouins

Tiffany and Kate


Angel Thomas

and our THIRD Mary, Elayna

Here's a shot of the ancient appetizing food: Greek Salad, hummus, steak strips, chicken, pita bread, apples and grapes with honey, and of course, white grape juice.

And here it is: BETHLEHEM

Thanks to Mom and Dad for hosting such a wonderful event. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the atmosphere of Christmas eve at Grandma's house! We read some great stories, re-enacted the nativity, and had a wonderful time.
After, we stopped into Grandma Bytheways for a talent show and PRESENTS!!! Then we rushed home and opened jammies!!!

After the kids were nestled all snug in their wee little beds, John and I brought out the Martinelli's and enjoyed a relaxing evening, waiting for Santa to come...and COME HE DID!!!!

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