Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I thought 35 was the new 25!!

So, although I'm not yet "approaching" 35 (I've got well above 5 months to go...), I thought I'd post my frustrations about my age. I remember after my first baby was born, I lost those whopping 25 extra pounds in about 6 hours (give or take a few minutes.) Fast forward to child number six, 20 months old already, and I'm still struggling to lose that last 10 lbs! It used to be that if I sacrificed an only ate the HALF dozen donuts, the weight would drop off. Now I'm subsisting on water and celery and gaining weight every time I pass the candy bar aisle at the grocery store. So, thanks to my friend who posted this made my day.

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

That would be me:) Good thing you are a stinking hot gorgeous babe! If you need another luagh though check out my fitness blog, I had to swim next to hairy-back man this morning! ooh baby

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