Friday, April 16, 2010

Field Trip!

Once in a rare while, I get to go on a field trip with my kids' classes at school. Back in the Fall, the school postponed a trip to the zoo due to weather, and rescheduled this week. Of course, we were still snowed on, but we had a great time. The older grades (Ashley's class) got to "chaperone" the kindergarteners (Matthew's class) on the trip, and I was luckily invited to go along. Great day!

We caught this snow leopard just about feeding time. Check out that bone!

I TOUCHED this snake. REALLY good for me.

On the carousel

How do those kids measure up???

Up close and personal

Matthew makes friends with a bird

Geese with their newly hatched little ones. (the highlight for Ashley!)

We had a great (albeit cold) time! Can't wait for the next invite!

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