Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring Break

Most kids get a few days off for Spring Break, but our kids got 10 days! We opted to stay home for our vacation but we still had fun! Between Easter and Conference, there was much to do!

First, I got a new niece!!! Emily Nicole Dustin was born on April 3, weighing in at 9 lbs., 4 oz., measuring 20 1/2 inches long!!! Jenn, you're AMAZING! Her face was a little bruised, but isn't she just ADORABLE! Just like her mommy! Love you, Jenn!

We had Aaron, Abby, and Daniel over to watch conference with us while Mommy and Daddy were at the hospital, and they did so GREAT! We played Conference Bingo with M&Ms...I think I heard "Bingo" so much (the kids get a mini candy bar when they get bingo) that we were ALL on a sugar rush for the whole weekend!!!

That night, we went to Grandma Loveridge's house to dye Easter Eggs! We had a great time with the Hendricksons and Johnsons!

Easter Sunday was a little uneventful. On Saturday night, I was at the store with Andrew, and I asked him a question about easter baskets. He replied, "What's an Easter Basket?" Uh...I KNOW I've done them before, but I guess it's been a few years! I just go overboard with the chocolate, and decided to stop doing baskets as an excuse for more treats and toys that my kids don't need! Funny, huh?

My mom told me later that she said something to Adam (my sister's son) and he also replied, "What's an easter basket!" The only funny thing is, I think she DOES do one every year!!! Well, feeling sheepish, I dropped 6 giant chocolate Easter bunnies and a few other treats into one giant Easter basket that the kids got to go through when they woke up Sunday morning. (Baskets: check.)

Conference of course is a HIGHLIGHT in my life. I feel like those 8 hours FLY by, and WAY too quickly. I can't wait for the Ensign to come out, but until then, we've been watching our tapes of the recorded conference.

Monday, we took ALL the kids (cousins included!) to tour the Sweet's Candy Factory. Here is Amy with her three girls donning their gorgeous "smurf" hats. My favorite part of the tour? Discounted candy in their store! Chocolate covered cinnamon bears!!! yay!

Next, we realized on the first day of Spring Break that our Wii was broken. We sent it in to be fixed, realizing it wouldn't be back for about 1-2 weeks. Truthfully, I think that made for a much better Spring Break! Andrew created his own "Mario Kart" game with cards...he designed them with me on the computer, and we had a great week playing that instead. The kids also took the Wii driving wheels, and ran around the house all week long "racing." That was even better! We did have pretty cold weather for the vacation, so I was glad for some indoor fun!

We celebrated Matthew's birthday!!! My little guy turned 6 this week! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid. He is so sweet and loving, and constantly gives me hugs. He has a litte problem with focusing at school, so I think he enjoyed being away and just running around the house with family all week. With Andrew's Mario Kart Card game, he did a lot of reading of the cards (which usually he doesn't like, but put a little Mario in it, and he LOVES reading!)

Matthew is a funny little man, and although a little "distracted" at times, truly has a sweet and loving heart. He is kind, and really wants to be a helper. He IDOLIZES Andrew, and likes to do anything Andrew does. Andrew is so cute to sit and draw with him, or play ball with him. Andrew also lets Matthew sleep in his bed at night (the top bunk on the bunk bed.) It's great to see my boys getting along so well!

On Matthew's birthday, I was looking forward to going out to dinner and maybe some fun activity like bowling or a movie. I asked Matthew what he wanted to do that night, throwing out a few restaurant suggestions. He didn't like ANY that I suggested. I started to get "kid"-minded. I stopped suggesting places like "Applebee's" and started to recommend McDonald's playplace and Fat Cats. He didn't want to do those either. (I could see my vision of a night out crumbling fast.) He finally came to me that afternoon and said, "Mom, I just want to stay home and eat Macaroni and Cheese and make Easter decorations."

I fought the idea (I wanted to go out!) but that's what we did. Matthew got his macaroni, I got Pizza Hut for the rest of us, and he made some giant Easter Eggs out of construction paper. Ashley and Andrew decorated the kitchen with crepe paper, and all was right with the 6-year-old's world.

Johnsons, Hendricksons, and Grandma and Grandpa Loveridge came over to help us celebrate and eat that gigantic Costco cake!!! Love this family!!!

Hendricksons brought him a Sprite. He was SO EXCITED!!!

The next day, we took the kids swimming. They were so excited about going, but about 30 minutes after arriving, some were asking when we could go home. Oh well. We had fun while it lasted!

All in all, we had a great spring break, but I think when it was over, the kids were ready to get back to a regular schedule. I'm so grateful that we have such fun together, and that we have so many family members who live close enough that we can do so many fun things together! Love my family!!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

we did our spring break "staycation" style too--SO FUN!

a can of sprite for a gift--kids are SO EASY to gift for!!

i am SO LIKE you and HOPING they pick a "good place" for their bday dinners--that is just too funny! kinda wishing it was someones bday around here tonight...not in the mood to make anything! HA

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