Saturday, March 20, 2010

Visions of Sugarplums

Christmas is a full 9 months away, but those visions of sugarplums dancing in Timothy's sleepy little head are less and less like visions, and more and more like REALITIES.

This is how he looked when he woke up yesterday morning.

I guess I'm a bad mother. I have NO IDEA where he got the sucker in the first place, and well, the cookie? That was his breakfast. (Thanks, Amy for that GIGANTIC bag of chocolate chip cookies....but maybe I need to hide them!)

Last night when I went to tuck them in around 1 a.m. (late night with the cousins at Grandma's house) he had ANOTHER sucker in his hand! WHAT??? I'm going to go on a "search and destroy" later today...


Lauren said...

Thanks for the laugh--Christopher and I really enjoyed that picture :)

Christina said...

Calling CPS!!!!!

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