Friday, October 03, 2008

So, the truth comes out!

I LOVE this new "snapgrades" system the kids' school has implemented. I get on every day and can see Ashley's grades, assignments, and upcoming work. I can tell what she's missing, and how much each assignment impacts her grade. It's great. I mean, I loved it until last night when I saw an "F" in composition!!!

Dear, sweet, lovable, free-spirited, Ashley; she loves art, acting, drawing, playing, creative time, but isn't so much into those "other" academics. Now, to play fair, her "F" was because she is missing some assignments. She even has some completed assignments sitting in her desk that she simply "forgot" to turn in! Fortunately, her teacher is in my mom's ward, so I called her at home, and we had a long chat. She told me that basically, the answer "none" to the question "how much homework do you have" is NEVER the correct answer. Ashley ALWAYS has homework, whether or not she admits it.

She has been half-finishing her assignments, then using after-lunch time to try and get them all done. Usually, that's NOT enough time! She's SUPPOSED to bring them home to complete them. When the teacher talked to her about her homework, Ashley told the teacher that she's just so "BUSY" with everything going on. Uh, let me think: one half-hour piano lesson a week, and Achievement days every other week. Yeah. Busy. Of course, Ashley could have been referring to her full-time job as a mother to her growing baby kitten. That CERTAINLY takes up a lot of her time! ;)

So, today after school, I took her for an ice-cream, and we had a chat about her new commitment to "responsibility" and turning in her assignments on time. I'm guessing that she'll rise to the occasion and have straight "A"s before long. It just means that she'll be doing HOMEWORK after school. ;)

Tiff, I know you went through this with one of your boys at school, only didn't find out until the stack of unfinished work was an inch thick! (That rotten teacher! just kidding!) It must be an age thing!!! Here's hoping "this too, shall pass."


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember not knowing who to be more frustrated with...the kid not doing the work or the teacher who waited so long to tell me!

I am honestly torn when it comes to homework. The logical-parent side of me says that if I constantly badger about homework and make sure it gets done, then I'm not necessarily teaching my kids responsibility and self-motivation.

But, being the controlling person that I am, I'm just not willing to leave such things up to chance. I already know what happens then! Maybe someone out there has a good solution to reduce the parental role in all this, and naturally allow the kids to step it up! I probably need to go to the library and consult with the experts!

Anonymous said...

Random: it looks like your comment archiving is backwards... (4/10/08 instead of 10/4/08). It threw me off for a second!

Kristi said...

Oh...this post describes my life for the last 2 weeks. Kaylee also has "powerschool" which is a similar program. My sweet, intelligent, capable daughter had 3 Fs out of 8 different periods. Yikes! She now, after 2 weeks has As and Bs but it is a tough transition for these kids to have so many teachers and such intense homework. I agree with Tiff in that I want her to learn responsibility but I also have to teach her HOW to manage so much info at such a young age. They learn SO much more and have 5x the homework I had as a child. Maybe it is okay to "babysit" thier educational habits until they are older. I think children whose parents are always willing to help and are "Up to date" in what is going on in their classes are the children who do the best in thier studies. What do you think?

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